PADI Speciality Diver Course
Scuba diving is a way to explore the underwater world in new and different ways. PADI Specialty Diver courses teach you new techniques and give you the tools to enhance your exploration. See what’s available from this list of great courses.
Boat Diver
The PADI Boat Diver course will expand your knowledge about boats from small inflatables to large liveaboards. You’ll gain experience SCUBA diving by completing two dives from a boat in your local area and learn:
Boat terminology.
Boat diving procedures and etiquette, including how to enter and exit, and where
To stow your gear.
Boating safety, including how to locate safety equipment.
Coral Reef Conservation
Everyone likes to SCUBA dive or snorkel in warm, clear water on a vibrant coral reef, yet many people know little about what they’re seeing or the importance of reef ecosystems.
The Coral Reef Conservation Specialty course helps you appreciate the complexity of these habitats and teaches you how you can help conserve these vital systems. Anyone who has an interest in the aquatic world can take this course. There are no prerequisites or age restrictions and no water sessions are required to earn this non-diving certification.
Deep Diver
The lure of the deep. There’s something exciting and mysterious about exploring deeper dive sites while SCUBA diving. Sometimes it’s a wreck that attracts you below 18 meters/60 feet, and on wall dives it may be a giant fan or sponge. Whatever it is, to SCUBA dive with confidence at depths down to 40 meters/130 feet, you should take the PADI Deep Diver Specialty course.
If you’ve earned the PADI Adventure Diver rating or higher, and you’re at least 15 years old, you can enroll in the Deep Diver course.
Digital Underwater Photography
Underwater photography is one of the most popular diving specialties, and with so many underwater cameras to choose from, it has become easier and more fun than ever to capture images of your underwater SCUBA adventures. The PADI Digital Underwater Photographer course gets you going quickly, whether you use a point-and-shoot camera or a sophisticated dSLR like the pros.
PADI (Junior) Open Water Divers who are at least 10 years old are eligible to take the Digital Underwater Photographer course. Because underwater photography is also popular with snorkelers, there is an option for avid snorkelers and skin divers to complete the course if it interests you.
Drift Diver
The PADI Drift Diver Specialty course teaches you how to enjoy going with the flow as you SCUBA dive down rivers and use ocean currents to glide along. It feels like flying –except that you’re underwater using SCUBA equipment. Drift diving can be relaxing and exhilarating at the same time. If this sound like fun, then the Drift Diver course is for you.
Emergency Oxygen Provider (EFR)
Knowing how and when to use emergency oxygen is a great skill to have and means you are ready to help others should the need arise. Becoming a PADI Emergency Oxygen Provider lets you breathe easy knowing that you can recognize SCUBA diving illnesses treatable with emergency oxygen, and are prepared to offer aid.
There are no prerequisites, age restrictions or water sessions required for this course –it’s open to everyone. SCUBA divers, snorkelers and anyone who is around divers –boat crew, lifeguards, etc. – will benefit from having this training.
Enriched Air Diver (Nitrox)
The PADI Enriched Air Diver course is PADI’s most popular specialty SCUBA course. SCUBA diving with enriched air nitrox gives you more no decompression time, especially on repetitive SCUBA dives. If staying down longer and getting back in the water sooner sounds appealing, then don’t hesitate to become an enriched air diver.
If you’re a PADI (Junior) Open Water Diver who is at least 12 years old, you can enroll in the Enriched Air Diver Specialty course. Note that in some regions the minimum age is older than 12.
Fish Identification
“What was that fish?” is a common question heard after a dive.
If you want to be the SCUBA diver with the answers, instead of the one asking the questions, then take the Fish Identification Specialty course. You will enjoy your dives even more when you recognize the creatures that you see and can identify the main fish families and their characteristics.
If you’re at least 10 years old and a PADI (Junior) Open Water Diver or higher, you can enroll in the AWARE – Fish Identification course.
Night Diver
Welcome to the Dark Side!
The thought of dipping below the surface at night seems mysterious, yet so alluring. Although you have been SCUBA diving at a site many times before, at night you drop into a whole new world and watch it come to life under the glow of your dive light.
The scene changes as day creatures retire and nocturnal organisms emerge PADI (Junior) Open Water Divers or higher, who are at least 12 years old, can enroll in the Night Diver specialty course.
Peak Performance Buoyancy
Observe aquatic life without disturbing their surroundings. Improve the buoyancy skills you learned as a new diver and elevate them to the next level.
Excellent buoyancy control is what defines skilled SCUBA divers - They glide effortlessly, use less air and ascend, descend or hover almost as if by thought. They more easily observe aquatic life without disturbing their surroundings.
You can achieve this, too. The PADI Peak Performance Buoyancy Specialty course improves the buoyancy skills you learned as a new diver and elevates them to the next level.
Underwater Navigator
Be the SCUBA diver everyone wants to follow because you know where you are and where you are going.
The PADI Underwater Navigator course fine-tunes your observation skills and teaches you to more accurately use your compass underwater. If you like challenges with big rewards, take this course and have fun finding your way.
Underwater Videographer
Capture the sights, sounds, and the dynamic motion of the underwater world as a videographer.
Cover the fundamentals and create interesting, entertaining video worth watching again and again. If you want to get the best clips and also learn to edit your SCUBA diving stories to share with friends through different social media, then the PADI Underwater
Videographer Specialty course is for you.
Learn to create underwater videos that are interesting, entertaining and worth watching again and again.
Wreck Diver
Ships, airplanes and even cars are fascinating to explore and usually teem with aquatic life. Each wreck dive offers a chance for a new discovery.
Whether purpose-sunk as an artificial reef for SCUBA divers, or lost as the result of an accident, wrecks are fascinating windows to the past. Ships, airplanes and even cars are fascinating to explore and usually teem with aquatic life. Each wreck dive offers a chance for discovery, potentially unlocking a mystery or spying something others have missed.
The PADI Wreck Diver Specialty course is popular because it offers rewarding adventures while observing responsible wreck diving practices.
If you’re at least 15 years old and have earned a PADI Adventure Diver certification or higher, you can enrol in the Wreck Diver Specialty course.